Wilson from Tennessee

After an awesome morning snowmobiling, Wilson and I decided to give up the fossil fuels and go kite skiing.

There was no wind.  So we went to the pub for a beer.

After a beer there was wind.

Wilson sacked up and despite no ’emergency release clamp’ he was ready to smack it.

Now we know why the ’emergency release clamp’ was there.  There was a little too much wind and Wilson did 300 yards in about 12 seconds including two 8 foot high ragdoll jumps.

Broken homo-chariot and 15 stitches…..

3 thoughts on “Wilson from Tennessee

  1. WOW thanks for sending wilson back in almost as good of condition as you recieved him…. Sorry you had to play “Nurse Maid” but I hear your nurse outfit is cute. See you Soon!?

  2. oh no! Frankenkiting. That leg looks rough. Or is it an arm? Or. Well in any case, fast mending hopefully. (Maybe “zipped” mode next time it’s blowing 50. Or maybe forgot to demo that feature. Oops.)

  3. LD,

    You don’t know the half of it – emailing you the details now but in short…..

    You know that clamp that you can release between the kite and the harness…. well we forgot it and didn’t think it was important.

    It was.


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