Cole’s Trip

Cole is always a great host in San Fran and it was great to have him out for a week in CO.

Here are some of the best pics I have of Cole skiing.  If he was a knuckle dragger, there would be paragraphs of abuse, instead I’ll just get this bit over and done with…..

Those pics bring back some memories from the first time I met Cole (sorry mate – you showed no mercy on the chess board).  Craigieburn 2006……

Before we get to the good stuff….. I had to stop giving money to Arnie in California and get my Colorado plates (you can’t imagine the drama).

After dealing with Patty and Selma at the DMV we thought we’d see if there was any powder left from that storm 5 days ago…… it involved some hiking….

It also involved some fossil fuels, and another confrontation with authority….

Yet again – the confrontation worked out just fine – saved 45 minutes of hiking.

It hasn’t snowed in 5 days. Nice tracks Cole.

Cole can’t come and visit without a skip over the pass to Beaver Creek, or as Cole phrased it, ‘Wife hunting for Tom’.  I’m a friend of the Beaver and as such she looks after me – she even had Black Betty cleaned while we skied (I’m not kidding).

The snow was hard and fast and it was bloody cold.  We made the most of the day chasing groomers…. literally. 

Note: At Beaver Creek there is a flock of 12 groomers that roam the mountain all day, every day.  Perhaps you can understand why I don’t believe it when my mates tell me that the groomers are ‘fantastic’ at Concrete Peak.  Oranges and apples.

Cole had heard of the $100 burger and he thought he’d try the $100 taco…..  Our transport for the day.

Not being from California…. I had a burger and beer.

At lunch we were told 5 Obama jokes…. looking at the carpark I don’t think many of our fellow ‘Taco Teds’ were ‘Lefty Liberals’.

Here I am having my 3rd ‘confrontation’ with authority in 2 days (this time it was a Federal employee).    As with the previous 2 ‘engagements’ everything worked out.  Now my sled is registered in Colorado, it was registered in Wyoming (you can’t imagine the drama).

These muppets (believe it or not they were snowboarders) didn’t have the same result when dealing with the authorities……

“Sorry dude” cost these jibbers at least $1000 each and I have no idea how
they are going to get their Mom’s SUV’s the 7 miles back to the road….

Continuing on the ‘confrontation with authority’ theme, this is a foto Cole took of some Lady State Rangers who got stuck.  They gave us the stink eye at lunch and they had guns….  I commend Cole on his bravery; driving past, 4 times, slowly, snapping pics of them, while they struggled with their sled.

Since the butch, gun totting, lesbian (I’m assuming), Park Rangers were stuck…. we could go anywhere we wanted….

At the end of the day Cole got the guilts and thought he’d drop into confession (church on the right)…..

2 thoughts on “Cole’s Trip

  1. Now that’s the Cole I love to ski with !
    There is one shot where he threw away his poles ,is that so he can be even more expressive with his arms?

  2. Bah I miss the days when that was me stacking it in the pow! Even if it did end with Tom hanging shit on me till we went out to the goat and I got my own back 🙂

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