Shazza getting Sailor’d

Another addition to this post is in order – last night was the 6th big one in a row and the troops are all very quiet so far today.  The snow hasn’t been that great the last couple of days and yesterday Dave the Sailor and I had a wee play on this rather large step-up.

Dave the Sailor looking very stylish and me looking like a muppet……

August continues to roll on – today was the 24th of the month and my 20th day skiing for the month.  My feet hurt but the OP Rum is helping out – thanks guys!!!

Today was a quiet Sunday (you know I hate Sundays) with Dave the Sailor and Shazza up at Remarks.  It must be something in the water but we have more crash footage.  I even had a crash today – the biggest I’ve had in the chutes to date and I was quite happy to complete my first rum of the evening without a straw.  My crash wasn’t on film, but Shazza’s was…..

This one earnt Shazza a bronze in the ‘stock throwing’.

Last winter I posted a lot of pics of Dave the Sailor skiing more like Dave the ‘Tard.  A couple of pics of Dave the Sailor sacking up.


As if the skiing wasn’t enuf to keep me busy but the Doris’s are bothering me as well.  Here is a preview of the Doris’s of the NZ 2008 post.

Me trying to get the gorgeous Liz drunk during our work lunch break…. 

I don’t work and she can drink me under the table…. who was I trying to fool.


Here is one I prepared earlier….

2 thoughts on “Shazza getting Sailor’d

  1. Nice work…looks like the doris would look better in a pair of ski boots…

    Catch you later sailor dave


  2. AWESOME air! Could you see Vancouver Island from up there? Keep it up! (Stellar efforts to get massive air, that is.)

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