Pre 32

I needed an excuse to post some pics so I’m doing a pre-Tuesday post.  This weekend, as part of my studies,  I’m spending 2 days ice climbing and I really hope I don’t get an ‘F’.  Here is the grading scale for ‘Intro to Ice Climbing’:

  • F – Funeral
  • E – Expired
  • D – Death or Deported (if I get a D I do get deported  – seriously)
  • C – Cripple
  • B – Buggered
  • A – A’OK!!!

A couple of pics from the first day – I can’t believe what a cool spot this is.


climbing-3  climbing-7climbing-2

Over the last decade I’ve aquired some new hobbies…. paragliding, snowmobiling, jetboating, motor bikes and I’ve just found a new one, ice climbing.  Each one of these things didn’t exist in my life 10yrs ago.

climbing-5 climbing-6Beautiful day and I stripped down to a t-shirt.  The 5 guys in this pic below me are 10x better climbers than me…. any of them wearing a t-shirt?


Here are some pics that have been taken while the Hutch’s have been out tramping (that means “hiking” for the non-sheep shaggers) and exploring Keystone while we have this gorgeous weather – next week the pow pow will be here and there will be no more tramping.

hutch-4 hutch-3


Hutch’s haven’t been to Vail before.  Their Vail Virginity will leave a lasting impression…. 

It turned out we had an awesome crew of 8 for the day.  6 sheep shaggers, a yankee, and an Aussie….. sounds like the intro to a joke.  The snow wasn’t great BUT things softened up and we had some beautiful spring skiing in January which is very rare.  How wonderful!!!!. 

The skiing talent was phenominal as well, and the girls won the day.  I think Paul articulated it the best when he said

“Fuck me,  these doris’s can ski!!!!”

 hutch-7 hutch-8

Paul and Caitriona celebrated their 16th Anniversary last week and by the looks of things… Paul is still able to surprise Caitriona.


Caitriona said “NO”.  Typical Kiwi, he went off and found some wildlife….


Getting a little random now, but I’d like to introduce the beautiful Paige – one of the girls to kick our arses during the day.  Looks like she is having a terrible time.  Paul and I had a terrible time trying to keep up with Paige. 


Little Spoon even put in an appearance – hahahahaha, I didn’t come up with this but I thought it was classic.  We grabbed a table, outside at the top of China Bowl (which is bloody huge), the only thing on the table is a spoon, and Paul says to me….

Hey Little Spoon is here….


Everyone knows that I hate fossil fuels so here I am embrassing the wind power……

hutch-12Time for some natural gas and some beef…..  I think this was an impromptu BBQ evening.




Poly had her first run the other day….  she is running a little rough but didn’t mind towing my fat arse at 40+mph.  I like it when girls get along but Paige and Poly got along a little too well.

poly-1 poly-2

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