Ice Racing
I had heard of some ice racing and today I finally got it organised. How it works…. take your 4WD down to the local frozen lake, don’t go near the ice fishermen and race mano-el-mano. Eric took his Pathfinder and I took Black Betty and we had a couple of races against each other to start things off….. Start in three, two….. Then we went … Continue reading Ice Racing
Winemakers, Marines and Computer Nerds
After a fantastic couple of weeks with with the crazy Canberrians (Fi and Josh) I had an entire day to myself (and Little Spoon of course). We spent our day off with Jarisse and the abused horses of Colorado…. After the day off with the horses, Becca, Wilson and Reece arrived. Two winemakes and a marine…. The four day weekend resulted in the largest consumption of alcohol per person, … Continue reading Winemakers, Marines and Computer Nerds
Fi and Josh Toshioki
Fi and Josh flew out yesterday and I don’t think I’ve ever seen some non-slope-eyed folks take soooo many photos. They were a hoot. In the old days I was the one off to bed early at Whistler and Perisher while Fi partied, this time the roles were reversed a little. During their 10 days Fi and Josh skied A-Basin, Keystone, Breck and Steamboat, played some ice hockey, spent at … Continue reading Fi and Josh Toshioki
Schleepy Time
The pre ’11pm bed time’ thing continues at the Chateau Grindlay now that Fi and Josh are here. The troops are rising early and today was my first non-skiing day in 3 weeks (I awoke at 6am to check the Steamboat report and made the call not to go). The troops went back to bed but sacked up and made first chair, again. Thing is, I’m … Continue reading Schleepy Time
Fi and Josh
January was a big one, I had 27 of 31 days on the snow which has to be a PB. Feb kicked off yesterday with a change over of guests, Chris and Lisa flew out and Fi and Josh flew in. Instead of being a day off we had a couple of hrs at Keystone in the afternoon. After half a bottle of Jamison’s and … Continue reading Fi and Josh
Weekend Skiing
Today (Saturday) was as busy as it has been all season (there are 5,000 military folks in town for the weekend – you’d never guess we had 2 wars in progress). The last 3yrs I have volunteered as a sit-ski pilot but this year I’m on the list as a volunteer ‘Predator Drone Pilot’. Congrats to Al and Jarisse on your ski race results…. You might have cleaned them up … Continue reading Weekend Skiing
Chris and Lisa and Gordon
Chris and Lisa are in town and it is time to payback all that Karma from my Aussie trip. ‘Post Schnapps’ up in the back country. Another pic from that day. You can watch all the shenanigans in the movie I compliled – click here to download the video. Gordon is here as well. Unfortunately, Gordy is not well after breaking his wrist today. Pre-broken wrist, this … Continue reading Chris and Lisa and Gordon
Cole’s Trip
Cole is always a great host in San Fran and it was great to have him out for a week in CO. Here are some of the best pics I have of Cole skiing. If he was a knuckle dragger, there would be paragraphs of abuse, instead I’ll just get this bit over and done with….. Those pics bring back some memories from the first time … Continue reading Cole’s Trip
If only this was a ‘Doris’s of 2009’ post….. However, today’s threesome was downhill skiing, x-country skiing and snowmobiling. Later in the season I’d like to try the fivesome…. downhill skiing, x-country skiing, snowmobiling, kite skiing and ice hockey in a day. Al and Jarisse have been kind enuf to make me feel like part of their family over the Xmas period yet again. Here … Continue reading Threesome
$100 Burger
This is Al’s idea – he does the $1,000 burger when he takes his plane for a spin somewhere and grabs a burger. Today I took the sled out for the $100 burger (feels like I’ve been on it more than skis but I skied 4 days last week). The MO is… park at Vail Pass, drive 20 miles on beautiful groomed snowmobile dedicated run over to a … Continue reading $100 Burger
That is what I heard…. this is what I saw….. Continue reading Whoomf
Spring Sabbatical
Back in Colorado now and this is the last of the pics that I wanted to add from my 10 weeks in the sun. Starting off with some backyard cricket. Catches win matches…… Vancouver Grants birthday and the last day of Mo’vember. I am told this first foto was staged…. but it could be me falling over, it could be Nicole’s leg support me or … Continue reading Spring Sabbatical