Crazy month…
December has been pretty crazy. The awesome spring that we had in New Zealand filled my days with golf, mountain biking and boating which didn’t help with all the chores I have at the end of a season. On my way east I passed through California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and finally made it to Colorado. San Fran was fantastic as usual with Cole and Gabriella. … Continue reading Crazy month…
Gorgeous Days
This time of year the weather is intermittent at best – normally it is windy enough to blow Christ off his cross. Thankfully, this spring has been gorgeous. So I saw the forecast and I lined up a super early start. I was up at 6:30 – I didn’t know there was a second 6:30 on the clock. After a run and a swim I … Continue reading Gorgeous Days
Spring Collection
Now that the mountain is closed I get to clean out the toy closet and knock off some ‘spring time’ missions. I’ve been taking the mountain bike out a bit and I’m trying to spend as much time down at 7 Mile as I can. The local mountain bike club have been building this over the last 5 years or so. Darn pedestrians….. actually I … Continue reading Spring Collection
Skating Crew
Dave the Sailor and Shazza are old friends. We’ve skated the bus tunnels of Brissy (if I did that now they’d think I was a terrorist), skiing in Buller with absolutely no snow and a crazy week in Arrowtown a couple of years back which I’m not allowed to mention here for legal reasons – hahaha (I behaved myself – I can’t vouch for the … Continue reading Skating Crew
Early season turns
Some early season skiing before the troops start arriving. Here is as pic looking out the front/backyard… snow down to lake level. Not a bad 1st week for the remarks – still lots and lots and lots of snakes in the grass (rocks) but up high the snow is holding up really well. AJ with his new planks up where the lifts don’t go…. 3 … Continue reading Early season turns
Finally out of the office!!!
I’ve been trying to get down for an exploration mission for weeks but 3 weeks of perma frost made an early start cold and slick on the drive to the trail head. In the end I just had to sack up. The drive took twice as long as normal and I didn’t get as far up the valley as I wanted but it was a … Continue reading Finally out of the office!!!
5 rounds in 5 days
I’ve had a couple of days on the hill and the Remarks opens up this weekend. Still needs a bit of snow and I can’t get my new toy started so nothing too exciting to post. Big weekend with Tony (old multisport teammate from the Peak to Peak race) in town and ended up playing bunch of golf. 5 rounds of golf, on 3 courses over … Continue reading 5 rounds in 5 days
Walkabout with the Landlords
Winter has arrived in Queenstown…. As a result the subi has started growing white hair……. That is a ‘frostball’ not a ‘snowball’. Bugger the shade and its permafrost…. I wanted to get some sunshine and I asked some mates if they were keen for a mission… This is Mush and Humi overlooking Lake Wakatipu towards Pigeon Island and the Richardson Range capped in snow in the … Continue reading Walkabout with the Landlords
Glacier Hunting
A couple of days ago I wanted to head down to the Routeburn and get some GPS points for a winter mission I have been planning. However, the ‘loosers’ from the ‘Biggest Looser’ TV show were on the track the day before and they fucked up some of the bridges…. With the Routeburn off limits, I thought I’d have another crack at getting up to the … Continue reading Glacier Hunting
8 Weeks… 8 Missions
There are 8 weeks until opening day, so I wanna knock off 8 missions. I’ll ski opening day, then I don’t want to ski until August when the snow is actually good – hahahahaha. First mission was the Brissy to Gladstone (new pics might be arriving tomorrow). Second mission was ‘Queens Drive’. It is an old goat track across the front of the Remarkables. Red … Continue reading 8 Weeks… 8 Missions
Brissy to Gladstone
A couple of weeks ago I was invited to crew on ‘Akimbo’, a 30 foot trimaran, in the Brissy to Gladstone Yacht Race (308 nautical miles). The last time I was on a proper boat was 8yrs ago and my sailing experience was never up to this level…. But I reckon the only people who say ‘No’ (in my experience) are bank managers and girls…. I’m … Continue reading Brissy to Gladstone
Doris’s of the Winter
I haven’t published a ‘Doris’s of the Winter’ blog post in years…. Too many, post and potential, Doris’s read this blog….. So I’m going with an ‘End of the Winter’ post of all the folks who have made this bad snow winter into a great one…. All winter I’ve posted pics of others crashing and I happened to crash twice (both were equipment failures of course) and … Continue reading Doris’s of the Winter