Last Summer Post
The change from spring to winter came pretty quick. Last Wednesday I went for a mountain bike and this Wednesday is my 6th day on the snow. Last post for summer and it is a bit all over the place…. I got out to Vegas to catch up with Mush, Humi, Trev and Yukari. Expecting a quiet trip but things turned into the usual debauchery, even … Continue reading Last Summer Post

Fall Road Trip
I haven’t posted much this summer; playing golf, hiking and doing school work is not really worth posting. This semester I’m taking a bunch of classes so I don’t have to take any this winter and it has been a hoot. Tonight, my neighbor Adam was up and we spent 3hrs working on some calculus which was great fun, neither of us are shy of … Continue reading Fall Road Trip

Summer Shenanigans
Some pics that didn’t have enough for their own post, but worth posting . Black Betty has been treated badly – but it all started with bloody Charlie Moore. Charlie is a good influence, in a bad way. So when I went 4WD’ing for the first time in Colorado, with Charlie – closed signs meant nothing, “I don’t think we can make it” resulting in applying the accelerator. It … Continue reading Summer Shenanigans

7 Passes
I’ve got a bunch of summer pics to post but I’ll start with last weekends mission down to Crested Butte to hang out with Rob and Nancy. Rob and Nancy are used to hosting (kinda like myself – hahaha) and they are pretty darn Good at it. A little golf and then the highlight of the trip was Rob kicking my arse on the dirt … Continue reading 7 Passes

Rock Climbing 101
New semester and it started off pretty well. College Algebra professor is a hoot and seems like she is on her game and my International Relations lecturer’s chairmanship of the local Democratic Party should make things interesting, she is cute so I’ll be well behaved. Rock Climbing to kick things off, an awesome 4 days. As with all my classes everyone is nice, it is … Continue reading Rock Climbing 101
Little Squaw
12 months ago I was invited on a trip down to a property that Brielle’s family has owned for generations (I think they stole it from the Indians) – unfortunately, I flew out to NZ the day of the trip. This post is about this years trip which I’ve been looking forward to for 12 months. Before I start, I want to share a story involving the … Continue reading Little Squaw

Spring Time – Moab
Spring is here now although it had a couple of false starts. These false starts weren’t a bad thing…. 12 inches of pow last Thursday at the basin was AWESOME and there is a stack of snow up high so poly will get another run next week. Next weekend I’m off down to Telluride to help Brielle open up the camp ground. The week after … Continue reading Spring Time – Moab

300 Club
The M&M’s were my last guests of the winter and I tell you what, they were a hoot!!!!! I thought that the Chateau Grindlay had 300yrs of total age in the house but I found out it was only 292 years. Still enough for a new record. When I’m on my own I try and keep the total age of the house at 50, 60 … Continue reading 300 Club

Winter Wacko’s
This winter is taking shape and it has been fantastically hectic. I reckon I could even get a job at air traffic control the way I’ve been able to line up my winter guests, but since I don’t spend enuf time on my real job I don’t think I should really look into a second one. I was going to try and split up these pics … Continue reading Winter Wacko’s

Not exactly roughing it
We’ve had some snow and the crew has gone wild. Thursday we buried ourselves in the Beaver….. The Beaver Creek moto is “Not exactly roughing it” and I think it rings pretty true. Our day at the Beaver started with us parking at the Ritz. Black Betty might not be pretty but she is big and black. Some property that Paige has her eye on…… … Continue reading Not exactly roughing it

Pre 32
I needed an excuse to post some pics so I’m doing a pre-Tuesday post. This weekend, as part of my studies, I’m spending 2 days ice climbing and I really hope I don’t get an ‘F’. Here is the grading scale for ‘Intro to Ice Climbing’: F – Funeral E – Expired D – Death or Deported (if I get a D I do get deported … Continue reading Pre 32

Planes, hot springs and snowmobiles
The Hutchinson’s are back in town and before it gets too cold I thought we’d go on a mission…. actually I needed a hand to get this mission accomplished and they were the first willing participants. No real rush to start the day so we skied Keystone on a gorgeous not-a-cloud-in-the-sky day. The tree is the background is the state tree of Colorado….. don’t piss … Continue reading Planes, hot springs and snowmobiles