Road Trip
After all these years I finally made it east of the Mississippi!!!! Arriving in DC on a Tuesday night I was super excited about being in the city. At dinner not 2 hours after getting out of the airport I couldn’t believe who was sitting at the table next to me…. former Speaker of the House and Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich and Senator Linsday Graham!!!!! I … Continue reading Road Trip

Last Winter Post
The photo above looks like a Santa Claus convention – I’m used to it because most of my guests are a touch older than I am but this is getting a bit crazy. I’ll get to the Santas later. This is the last post for this winter. Here are some mates that I skied with later this winter…… First up are the Hutch’s from Queenstown. I got a few turns … Continue reading Last Winter Post

Lost Wonder Hut
I really like where I get to spend my winters, be it in Colorado or Queenstown. But occasionally I have to get out and go and stay somewhere shitty…. called a Hut Trip. I was invited on this trip probably because I had all the equipment and a snowmobile. Funny how you attract friends when you have a house in the mountains and a snowmobile … Continue reading Lost Wonder Hut

Before the Storm
A bunch of pics that I thought I should post before the guts of the season really begin. First up….. it was free day at the zoo and there were some yet to be defined species outside the cages. We had just come from the Cartier Exhibit at the museum so it was a bit of a culture shock. No real photos except this one of … Continue reading Before the Storm

Now the fun starts
I’ve been looking forward to this winter…. since the last one ended!!! Last winter had a great late season with Little Spoon and lots of snowmobiling, the winter before was the BIG one with 97 days in a row of guests at the Chateau Grindlay and this one is shaping up to be a cracker. My scheduled guests don’t arrive until later in the season and what I … Continue reading Now the fun starts

Summer 2014
Yesterday I moved back into the Chateau Grindlay and I’m surprised how much I missed the place; the piano, the neighbours, the hottubs. A few highlights for the summer in reverse order: My neighbour Adam didn’t die after his nose job, despite a week in the ICU. Some great exploring missions which will lead to some new ski runs (Montezuma Mile is on the cards). … Continue reading Summer 2014

When I heard that Marls was coming to Colorado after his Soccer World Cup trip, I couldn’t wait!!! Marls is one of my Terrigal mates who I met through some of the other guys. Over nearly a decade, Marls and I have become pretty good wing men. He introduced me to my favourite Aussie watering hole, The Lord Ashley. We’ve picked up chicks in wheel … Continue reading Marls

Out of retirement
After my Ironman back in 2002, I decided to retire from that kind of rubbish. Then……. one night, after a scotch or 6, I was giving someone a hard time about crossfit or tuff mudder events and saying how much they are pussies. Then I realised that it has been 12 years….. .Time to shake the sand out of my lady parts…. I remembered hearing about … Continue reading Out of retirement

Little Alaska, Little Couloir
This is the easiest of a few lines which I would like to tick off this winter. The “Little Alaska, Little Couloir” has eluded me the last 3 winters. Last Wednesday, the planets aligned…. a girl snowboarder skied it the day before, so there was no ruddy way I could pussy out of it any longer!!! This pic is from Jan 27th looking up the couloir…. she hasn’t … Continue reading Little Alaska, Little Couloir

Canadian Doctors
I think this is the 3rd year Chris and Paul (the Canadian Doctors) have been in town. The first year they looked after Dave the Sailor and Dave Onions, last year they had Dave Onions to look after and this year it was only me. I’ve got a feeling they think of this like a yearly “Doctors without Borders” visit to an isolated Canadian Eskimo village – hahahaha. Chris … Continue reading Canadian Doctors

Darn Global Warming
We’ve had a great burst of winter over the last week with over 3 feet of snow and the skiing has been great. So far I haven’t had a day skiing on my own and last week the posse included, Erin, Adam, Megan, Al, Wayne, Judith, Chef Dan, Luke, john, Nick and Charlie. Everyone is excited about the new snow which is awesome. Charlie kicks … Continue reading Darn Global Warming

20th Winter Begins
So my 20th winter begins…… Lots of skiing early, lots of groomers but it is snowing outside as I write this and the holidays folks are just about out of town so things should start ramping up. I’ve had 30 something days on the snow and so far I haven’t had a day on my own, I’m making up for it with some alone time in the … Continue reading 20th Winter Begins