Concrete Peak Back Bowls

With the season coming to a rather abrupt end Little Jimmy hadn’t had anything too scary to ski,  and it was time to see if we could scare Justin a little bit.  The Back Bowls at Concrete Peak had been shut for a good 2 weeks. Signs are for tourists….. We’re going down there? The answer is yes,  and we’ll have the proof. Here is … Continue reading Concrete Peak Back Bowls

It’s Bungy TIME!!!

It was Friday,  the snow was softening a bit too much and we had a booking at the world first commercial bungy site. Matt,  Justin and myself (rather reluctantly) took the 42m leap off a perfectly good bridge.  And here is the evidence. From left to right – Me, Matt, Justin (the 3 victims), Josie and Andrea. Do we look nervous?  Enuf ‘courage’ bundy – time … Continue reading It’s Bungy TIME!!!

Checking In

The building address is: Hidden RIver Lodge 22714 Hwy 6 Keystone, CO, 80435 The condo number is 5964 (it is weird I know). At the building entrance there is a set of double doors. In between them, on the right is some PO Boxes. To the left of the PO Boxes, there is a cupboard with a bunch of lock boxes. My lock is on … Continue reading Checking In