Dave the Sailor
Dave the Sailor and I have had a lot of adventures together over the last decade and a half. For me the coolest adventure was back in 2010 when Dave invited me to crew on Akimbo in the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race This is Australia’s 2nd biggest ocean yacht race and I never thought I’d get to crew in such a race, let alone … Continue reading Dave the Sailor

Tom might move
I’ve got an old ski buddy I call Nevada Bob. Nevada Bob and his missus, Tahoe Becky, are going to New Zealand soon and Bob wanted to pick my brain. After a few chats on the phone Bob said why not come up to Montana for New Years, I jokingly said “Yeah sure mate.” A few weeks later, Nevada Bob called me and said, “Becky … Continue reading Tom might move

R and D
Rachel is an old mate, so old in fact, she was there when they brought me home from the hospital (no, not after my brain injury, after I was born). The first time I ever skied was with Rachel and I remember (pre brain injury) her coming over to the house and teaching us how ski boots and bindings worked…. Rachel was the only person … Continue reading R and D

Just Warming (cooling) Up
Between seasons in Colorado aren’t that great… you can’t do one thing or the other. I’m always bitching and moaning about it so instead of bitching and moaning about it, I shook the sand out of my lady parts and decided to kick arse. I skinned up A-Basin one morning to grab a wee taste of the sunrise. I skied Breckenridge before class…. look at … Continue reading Just Warming (cooling) Up

Chicago Marathon
The night before my 9th Marathon I was having dinner with Al and Jarisse. Watching a Cubs game, at an old Irish pub in the heart of downtown Chicago. Al grabbed the tab, we argued about it and our gentlemans agreement was that Al would get half of my prize money from the Marathon the next day. I told Al that since I don’t know … Continue reading Chicago Marathon

Doctors Appointment
My Doctors (yes I have 2 of them), see me every winter. But I’m getting old so I’m having more problems. In the last 12 months alone they’ve helped me out with the following: Penis injury (x2) Skin cancer check Sore knee Broken heart (x2) Wart (only 1 and not penis related) My Doctors, Christine and Paul said they’d like to see me twice a … Continue reading Doctors Appointment

Training Run
Chicago Marathon is not that far away (mid-October) and I’m not feeling all that confident…. but I’ve got 8 marathons under my belt so I’m sure ‘experience’ will count. Experience has taught me that experience won’t count for shit – I’m going to be crying myself to sleep for weeks before and days after regardless of success or failure…. that is what experience has taught … Continue reading Training Run

32 days. Vegas, Thousand Oaks, Montecito, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe and Ely. Mandi, Rabbi Gelman, Rob and Nancy, Cole and Gabriella and Bob and Becky. Holy batman was I looked after…… It all started in Vegas…… My 4th time, and AGAIN, I was being well behaved, no intention of partying or things getting out of hand. After a 12 hour drive, I jumped in the … Continue reading West
7 Days, 7 Resorts
Today is closing day at Keystone and the last day of any season brings mixed feelings….. sometimes I feel sad that the season is ending and people are leaving, but sometimes I feel excited about what the new season will bring. This year I’m excited. Over the last 14 years, 24 winters (I’ve mixed a couple of summers in there), one thing is constant…. every … Continue reading 7 Days, 7 Resorts

Late Season Turns
Since Park City the skiing has been kinda ordinary, even when it snows, it is getting up to 10 degrees Celsius during the day which turns the snow to mashed potatoes really quick. The last proper day of winter was with Tina and Charlie’s crew…. another fantastic day skiing Vail with a great posse. We had some family skiing in the morning, some big boy … Continue reading Late Season Turns
Canyons/Park City
Last week, I had the opportunity to ski Park City. North America’s largest ski area. With 31″ of fresh, dry, Utah powder and some bloody good skiers. I was the 5th wheel on a trip full of people who didn’t blink at a chair lift which only accessed double blacks Between the 5 of us, we had around 200 days combined skiing this season … Continue reading Canyons/Park City

International Mates
Man, what a crazy few weeks!!! The Hutchinson’s have been in town and after 4 attempts, Paul finally got some Colorado powder, lucky bugger got the goodies in Telluride with 18″ on his first day there. We had some Friday afternoon powder turns at Keystone, not quite 18 inches but Hutch still liked it. That is how I word it to the girls…. wasn’t quite 18″ but … Continue reading International Mates