Hidden River
A couple of pics that Johnny took today looking down at Hidden River. Continue reading Hidden River
Inaugural Hidden River Cricket Match
10,000 feet above sea level. -10 degrees celcius. Only major hurdle was that the beer was freezing. Continue reading Inaugural Hidden River Cricket Match
Erickson Bowl
Yesterday was a Saturday and after nearly 10″ of fresh snow on Friday there were a few people around – so to get out of the lift lines (which were a whole 5 minute wait) the crew thought it might be a good day to do some hiking. The hike from one of the outer day lodges took us just on 1hr and our highest … Continue reading Erickson Bowl
Couple of pow day pics
This was an epic day – being a Friday there was nobody around. We had at least 10″ the night before and it was still dumping!!! For most people the only thing you could get run over by on a Friday is a bus or a train – we have to watch out for snowcats. Tim with only one ski…. AGAIN!!!! Continue reading Couple of pow day pics
Little Jimmy and America’s Next Top Model
I was expecting to watch some Star Trek with Little Jimmy but I didn’t expect to catch him glued to America’s Next Top Model…. Even Nic seems a little weirded out by it mate. Continue reading Little Jimmy and America’s Next Top Model
Fun day at Remarks
Nice day up at Remarks – not enuf snow but the main feature of the day were 3 runs, one from Little Jimmy, one from Matt and one from myself. Best thing was – we caught it all on camera. Remarks.wmv – right click then save target as (13meg) Continue reading Fun day at Remarks
Saddam Pics
Final footage for 2005/06
Tim has just finished off the final 2 clips for the 2005/06 northern winter. Here are some low quality versions (these are 8meg – the full quality is 800meg – should look good on a 42″ LCD, they actually come out as movie quality). Little Jimmy’s Compilation Tom’s Compilation Remember – right click and then save target as. They are in MOV format (some crappy … Continue reading Final footage for 2005/06
Another Storm on the way
As well as a tonne of people arriving over the next couple of days – there is another big storm coming through. In the next 48hrs we expect a minimum of a foot of snow. I’ve had a couple of boring days doing some end of month/year paperwork and I’m pretty pumped about some pow. Spent the afternoon doing a little tuning (see pic below … Continue reading Another Storm on the way
Yes the reports are true…
Over the last couple of days I’ve heard about this Colorado storm from people in other countries (Spain, Aussie, NZ and the UK). It is true there was a bit of snow but it did come the wrong way for most storms and we didn’t get as much as Denver itself. We only got 19″. Pali’s up at A-Basin opened during the last day of … Continue reading Yes the reports are true…
Meeting the neighbours
Over the last 3 weeks or so now we’ve met a few of the neighbours. Next door is Grandma Bloom – Jeremy Bloom’s Grandma (Jeremy Bloom is the new voice on the Warren Miller films – I think he is an Olympic Mogul skier). Tonight we had another neighbour drop by – we didn’t know if he was dangerous (I’ll ask Master Yoda tomorrow – … Continue reading Meeting the neighbours
Al & Jarisse – post race training.
This was a mid morning run on Saturday – few too many people around for my taste. I’m more a mid week skier. Couple of movies of Al and Jarisse – this isn’t what we normally ski but we’ve had a freeze/thaw cycle the last couple of days so offpiste isn’t too pleasant. These guys just had a week of race training in Steam Boat – … Continue reading Al & Jarisse – post race training.