Just another day
Something I try and explain to people who come and stay is that although you might be on holidays, for us, today is just another day…. Today is Tuesday. We were out on the mountain at 9am for first chair with Wayne and Judith, I came home and did some work after a hottub, then Al took us out on his plane, we have played some billards and I’m about … Continue reading Just another day
Just me
Skinny Chick on Fat Skis
Family Skiing
And some pics of Tim from today. Continue reading Timmy
Little Jimmy
It has been a while since I posted any pics and since today was a blue bird day we took out the camera. Here are some pics of Little Jimmy. Continue reading Little Jimmy
Josie is a nerd….
We are in Mexico and all she wants to do is look up porn (there are enuf white pointers walking along the beach for me). Continue reading Josie is a nerd….
Huge Crash
Looks like a storm is coming through this weekend so today was a video day and time to get some bigger air in the park. However things were put on pause after Tim had a massive stack. Josie picked it up on camera and here is the footage. It is just a short clip – we’ll edit it up over the next couple of days. … Continue reading Huge Crash
Day in the park
There is a bit of a storm coming through Utah and should be here in a couple of hrs – so today we hit up the park and the cuzzies are starting to amp it up. Tim stomped his first 180 today (in doing do forced my hand and made me land my first 180 in 3 years or more), Little Jimmy stepped up to … Continue reading Day in the park
TV goes on the wall
With Johnny Collins here we have the ‘skills’ to get the TV up on the wall. Now the TV is pretty bloody huge and it weighs 50kgs so it involved a little more than just glue. It ended up taking us 3hrs but it looks AWESOME!!!! Tea time. Lifting the darn thing took a fair bit of effort – Tim is up in the little … Continue reading TV goes on the wall
The American Academy of Cricket
Another cricket game was on this arvo – Tyler came over and we still have some work in getting his baseball style into a Bradman style. Continue reading The American Academy of Cricket
Monday’s do suck
Monday here in Colorado, all the weekend warriors have gone home and we have the place to ourselves again. The boys hit up the park in the morning and Tim threw this 180 attempt – click here to download. After some lunch we drove the 5 minutes up the road to A-Basin to hit up some steeper terrain. A-Basin is pretty high – from this … Continue reading Monday’s do suck