Team Marina Tavern
One night many moons ago…. a few of us were up at Malcome’s around the fire watching Tri-Nations rugby waiting for the America’s Cup to start when Vinchenzo had an idea…. the Mountain to Mountain. With all the Rum and Speights we had drunk anything was possible and a pact was made. Yesterday we had to sack up and do it. Chinese downhill ski from … Continue reading Team Marina Tavern
Last one I promise
Some compiled skiing footage from the last pow day – 22meg file right click and save target as remember. More pics from last weeks skiing with AJ, Cole and Richard. Here is the crew for the day… It looks like one of those firefighter calendars gone way wrong. A couple of cheesey summit photos. You don’t need to summit Everest to have your pic taken with … Continue reading Last one I promise
I’m sick of posting pics
Over the last 10 days I’ve been posting a lot on here and it is getting a little tiresome BUT we just keep having epic days and the cameras are always along for the journey. Today is Friday and the crew consisted of Dave the Sailor, Dirty Dave, Phil the River Navigator Guru, Richard the Pilot and me (I should get a title as well … Continue reading I’m sick of posting pics
Skiing with Dinosaurs
This last week has involved some more serious skiing with Cole and Richard in town. Lots of hiking and these guys have showed me a few new spots. I’ll expand on this post as I get the footage online – I think it is going to be a big one. Here is the Little Master himself…. Richard is normally behind the camera but this time … Continue reading Skiing with Dinosaurs
Best day of the season thus far….
Today is Tuesday and I’m a fan of Tuesday’s. The 2 Dave’s and I were up at Remarks working on our steep powder skiing and the conditions were playing along. There was one jump which we got some footage of and things just worked out that everyone got filmed skiing this – the jump is at the bottom of the East Face and if you … Continue reading Best day of the season thus far….
Chasing Waterfalls
Today is Friday and the weather is really crapping out – this is going to be a massive dump by the time this system is through. Concrete was shut and most of Remarks was too – golf was out of the question with the rain so a drive down to the Greenstone Track was one of the remaining options. Amy joined Dave the Sailor and … Continue reading Chasing Waterfalls
Time for some MAN skiing
It is August now and I haven’t done enuf man skiing – not that only men can do it (there was a smokin’ hot red head who was ripping Diangulation today). Dave the Sailor and I got some footage which we’ll edit up and put online but for the time being here are a few pics. Tomorrow will be more of the same with Dirty … Continue reading Time for some MAN skiing
Some jetboating pics
Last week was a massive week. Dave was looking after some Doris’, we did a bit of skiing, played a bit of golf and had more nights out on the piss in a row than I can remember (I actually can’t remember parts of Tuesday morning or Saturday morning for that matter). Saturday was a bit of a recovery day (after getting home at 5:15am) but … Continue reading Some jetboating pics
Pow day… finally
After 3 weeks there is some new snow. It was heavy but there was a bit of it so after a 2am finish last night we sacked up for an early morning at Remaks. Shazza from skating is in town and I thought I’d try and see who I could make cry first, Dave or Shazza. We haven’t had many steep runs so far this winter … Continue reading Pow day… finally
Ohau I Love to Ski
Bit of pun there in that title for those who know how to pronounce Ohau (Ow-How). Sunday today and a road trip to Ohau was on offer and was taken up. Dave the Sailor hasn’t skied with AJ yet and this is how he looked after the first hike of the day… Dave is getting old – nearly as old as Jesus I think but … Continue reading Ohau I Love to Ski
Making the most of Friday
Friday was Dave the Sailors birthday – Jesus he is old. Actually he is nearly as old as Jesus. Dave hadn’t skied on his birthday before so we ran the gauntlet of tourists up the Concrete Peak road – best single overtaking move was 7 cars and 2 buses. I gave Shai the Paragliding Guy a call about 10am to see if he was flying … Continue reading Making the most of Friday
Arrowtown Golf Club
Monday… skiing and golf. Tuesday…. hiking. Wednesday… golf at Arrowtown. Another crappy day – ground was a little firm and the company was a bit average but there were no complaints about the weather or the views. Hughie, Dave the Sailor and myself. I have a couple of comments for this pic. Firstly, that bowl in the background is ‘Homeward Bound’ (part of Remarkables) – a … Continue reading Arrowtown Golf Club