Team Marina Tavern

One night many moons ago….  a few of us were up at Malcome’s around the fire watching Tri-Nations rugby waiting for the America’s Cup to start when Vinchenzo had an idea…. the Mountain to Mountain. With all the Rum and Speights we had drunk anything was possible and a pact was made. Yesterday we had to sack up and do it.  Chinese downhill ski from … Continue reading Team Marina Tavern

Chasing Waterfalls

Today is Friday and the weather is really crapping out – this is going to be a massive dump by the time this system is through.  Concrete was shut and most of Remarks was too – golf was out of the question with the rain so a drive down to the Greenstone Track was one of the remaining options. Amy joined Dave the Sailor and … Continue reading Chasing Waterfalls

Arrowtown Golf Club

Monday… skiing and golf. Tuesday…. hiking. Wednesday… golf at Arrowtown.  Another crappy day – ground was a little firm and the company was a bit average but there were no complaints about the weather or the views.  Hughie, Dave the Sailor and myself. I have a couple of comments for this pic.  Firstly,  that bowl in the background is ‘Homeward Bound’ (part of Remarkables) – a … Continue reading Arrowtown Golf Club