No jibbers allowed
I didn’t expect to be posting these pics at all – it hasn’t snowed in 4 days, we are in a bit of a thaw/freeze cycle and it is a long weekend (the only thing I hate more than weekends are LONG WEEKENDS). So I’ve been doing some hiking and I found some tracks coming out of the trees in the middle of no where. After … Continue reading No jibbers allowed
Ski, Ski Cooper
After such an awesome day at Breck, Little Spoon and I had to try and top that. There is a little Mom and Pop ski field about an hour away, deep in the rockies, and we thought that perhaps there might be a few less people about as well. We were right about there not being too many people (lift line in the background – … Continue reading Ski, Ski Cooper
Best Day at Breck (thus far)
First time I’ve skied Breck this year and it was a pearler of a day!!! 6 inches of fresh over night, the day started off blue bird without a breath of wind and around midday the clouds came in and it started snowing. There were a few people about on Spring Break so dodging the lift lines meant the crew got to ski some stuff … Continue reading Best Day at Breck (thus far)
2 Nerds, A Preacher and a Marine
Sounds like the beginning of one of my jokes…. but this is the beginning of an awesome day skiing/hiking. I couldn’t believe how good the weather and the snow turned out today – it was busy as bloody London so we escaped to the high country. Here is Eric, me, Dave and Little Spoon. Some portraits of the crew – warning!!! Some of these are gay. … Continue reading 2 Nerds, A Preacher and a Marine
Back in the USA
I’m loving being back in the US. 10 more weeks of skiing before I’m back to NZ. There is more snow on the forecast but today was a gorgous spring kind of day. After sleeping in (there was a bottle of scotch here yesterday arvo which has disappeared) Little Spoon and I headed up to The Basin for a couple of hours this afternoon. As … Continue reading Back in the USA
Skiing in Europe
I know I have told people that I will ski in Europe one day and that day has come – earlier than I expected. Tamatha and Bungles looked after me my first weekend in the UK and they were fantastic hosts!!! They saw how nervous I was riding the tube and those freeky double decker buses so they thought I would be more comfortable on … Continue reading Skiing in Europe
Last skiing post for a while – I promise
This should be the last skiing post for a while – tonight it starts snowing (AGAIN) and is forecast to snow for the next 5 days (should be worth a foot – maybe 2). Then Andy is off to Japland and I’m off to the UK. So I have only limited chances to share the great snow conditions. Andy and I were up at the … Continue reading Last skiing post for a while – I promise
Cruising on a Tuesday
After bringing in my birthday early this morning with a couple of sheilas in the hottub (yes little spoon can verify it). This morning looked terrible – 60mph wind gusts, low cloud and a little snow (you thought I was going to say something about the girls looking terrible). So after the 8am weather check it was back to bed. Then waking up a little closer to … Continue reading Cruising on a Tuesday
Time for some hiking
I’ve been looking forward to some hiking but to date there hasn’t been the opportunity (the snow has been that good inbounds). Little Spoon and I picked up some hiking gear – my first set of skins (they are 100% Baby Seal) and these tricky binding things that AJ and Richard instructed me to get. Here is me looking like an old hand (more like … Continue reading Time for some hiking
Zuma Chair
There a new chair at A-Basin and it has been open for 2 weeks but we have been busy skiing Keystone, Vail, Beaver Creek and Winter Park. Today we could fit it into our calendar. Here is Al Airborn down one of the steeper lines we could find – the snow was wicked and you can see the Zuma Chair in the background. This first … Continue reading Zuma Chair
More Road Trips
This is a long winded road trip post. ——————————————————- The first of the footage is now online (remember – right click then ‘Save Target As’)…. Flogging the jeep (35meg). My tribute to slowboarders (18eg). ——————————————————- Finaly road trip post…. This afternoon Lurch and Lisa were dropped off at Denver International Airport and as I haven’t heard from them since I’m assuming they made their flight. … Continue reading More Road Trips
No title
Video additions to this post (remember – right click then ‘save target as’ is the best way to download these)….. Tyler and myself down Starfire (this is the 133km/hr run – not quite that today but pretty quick) – 10meg file. Al Airborne skiing the Windows. (45meg file). Andy in the Bullet Glades – 10meg. Tom in the Bullet Glades – 11meg. I’ve written 6 … Continue reading No title