Man Skiing

This winter I had planned for some Man Skiing – I’ve mentioned this phrase before and it has nothing to do with men or women – it just means ‘serious skiing’ – women can do it too (yes I’m talking about you LD – although you are a girl at heart). So far this winter I have been well behaved – to tell the truth … Continue reading Man Skiing

Day One

I’ve been back in NZ now for a week – lots of hiking, lots of golf, lots of Bundy OP, lots of card playing and a little bit of work. And now some skiing….. AJ, Lisa from across the road and I decided to boot pack Coronet Peak today and get in some turns.  A wee bit of a walk but if we didn’t do that we’d … Continue reading Day One

Party Time!!!

Spring is well and truly here – soft snow and bikinis at the Basin.  Unfortunately the following pics are just my fat arse – no bikini’s I promise.  I’m testing me new skis – they seem pretty aerodynamic to me….. Wilson from Tennessee arrived today. A beer in the A-Basin carpark is compulsory – it is only 2 minutes up the road from my place and … Continue reading Party Time!!!

Boners and Beavers

Last week Lisa Doris was on loan from the cripple and cancer kids of British Columbia. The ‘special kids’ in Colorado (aka Little Spoon and me) were jumping for joy….. (Avalanche debris at a future snowmobiling location) (Little Spoon ‘phucking’ some Beaver – silent P right) (The Beaver tickling my nose) By now I’ve filtered out all the prudes so I can be serious.  Yesterday was … Continue reading Boners and Beavers