Hockey is Violent

Wilson (heir to a southern wine dynasty worth like 200 million) arrived today and since we are getting used to riding on ice on the hill (the snow is really crap right now) we though we would be OK with ice skating.

We all have our own skates now (they are like $20 to buy) and we still look like a bunch of 6 month old toddlers learning to walk.  On the plus side – we have hockey sticks too.  The sticks make things a little more violent…..

Yes Little Jimmy broke his stick on my elbow.  And yes we write on our sticks – Little Jimmy’s is ‘The Beast – Wacking Stick’ which it lived up to tonight.

I figured if I put the ‘gushing’ blood on my hockey stick it would deter others.

One thought on “Hockey is Violent

  1. Boys will be Boys. Nice work lads, always good to see blood on the ice during a hockey game. must’ve been a fair wack to break that stick. keep up the good work, I am going to see the edinburgh team play next week with a mate who also loves the game.

    3 weeks till France!! Bring on the snow

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