On the flight from NZ to the US I was sorting out the photos for the winter and I had an idea about a post featuring the Doris’s of the ’07 southern winter.
First up is Shazza Doris – the original ‘ski bunny’. Blonde, wicked skier, lived in Thredbo for years and doesn’t take shit from anyone. I think that she and Dave the Sailor have something going on behind my back. I’m looking forward to some more chutes next year with you Shazza.
I found a foto of Amy Doris – Dave the Sailor’s love of his life and perhaps I had something going on behind his back as reparations for Shazza….
Rachel Doris is a wicked skier and thanks to Shai Doris for the introduction. I haven’t seen Rachel Doris out of her ski gear but I am weak at the knees just thinking about her pink helmet.
I remember this night, but I don’t remember this Unnamed Doris (kinda like the Unnamed Soldier) – this was outside the casino and I still have my drink – I think the casino security gave me a drink for taking her outside… or perhaps they gave HER a drink for taking me outside. We will never know.
Shai’s Dog isn’t a Doris but I thought my kiwi mates would expect a picture of an animal when it comes to a season review of Doris’s. They all have pictures of sheep in their family albums.
Shai Doris did introduce me to Canadian Doris. She asked me for piano lessons which I was happy with, but Shai…. when you taught her to paraglide you forgot to tell her to take off her helmet at the end of the day. I think she is still wearing it today…
I love blondes.
Amelia here looks like she didn’t appreciate my last joke….
And finally….
2007 Southern Winter Doris of the Year
Dirty Dave
Dear Tommy
Why has your girlfriend got a big pink helmet…and why has Shai`s dog got a big pink lipstick..is this a snowboarder plot…