Winter is here

Nothing much has been happening up here lately.

Skool is over and I passed, just (well if 109% final mark on Macroeconomics for 2nd graders counts as a pass – haha).

There has been a little snow about but mostly just hard and fast groomers.  Caught up and skied with Charlie Moore’s kid Trent and Al one day, been skiing with Chris V a little and Cole was up here for a week and I can’t believe that we clean out a $225 Costco booze run in 5 days.

A few weekend ago I tried to ski but it was too busy so I went for a hike which was awesome!!!  A little more snow and I’ll take Poly (the sled) up here.

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Here is some pics of some early season snow.  First on the way to Leadville….

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And again up at Zuma with Bruce on a future snowmobile mission exploration.

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