Arrowtown Golf Club

Monday… skiing and golf. Tuesday…. hiking. Wednesday… golf at Arrowtown.  Another crappy day – ground was a little firm and the company was a bit average but there were no complaints about the weather or the views.  Hughie, Dave the Sailor and myself. I have a couple of comments for this pic.  Firstly,  that bowl in the background is ‘Homeward Bound’ (part of Remarkables) – a … Continue reading Arrowtown Golf Club

Bush bashing

After a solid session last night and a 4am bed time Dave the Sailor and I were up early this morning and there is some exploring I’ve been keen to do out at 12 Mile Delta. Rob wasn’t around – most likely due to the two ugly chicks he was messing with.  They were ugly…. and I know ugly. The area I wanted to explore … Continue reading Bush bashing