Canadian Doctors

I think this is the 3rd year Chris and Paul (the Canadian Doctors) have been in town.  The first year they looked after Dave the Sailor and Dave Onions, last year they had Dave Onions to look after and this year it was only me. I’ve got a feeling they think of this like a yearly “Doctors without Borders” visit to an isolated Canadian Eskimo village – hahahaha. Chris … Continue reading Canadian Doctors

Summer Shenanigans

Some pics that didn’t have enough for their own post, but worth posting . Black Betty has been treated badly – but it all started with bloody Charlie Moore.  Charlie is a good influence, in a bad way. So when I went 4WD’ing for the first time in Colorado, with Charlie – closed signs meant nothing, “I don’t think we can make it” resulting in applying the accelerator.   It … Continue reading Summer Shenanigans

7 Passes

I’ve got a bunch of summer pics to post but I’ll start with last weekends mission down to Crested Butte to hang out with Rob and Nancy. Rob and Nancy are used to hosting (kinda like myself – hahaha) and they are pretty darn Good at it.  A little golf and then the highlight of the trip was Rob kicking my arse on the dirt … Continue reading 7 Passes

Little Squaw

12 months ago I was invited on a trip down to a property that Brielle’s family has owned for generations (I think they stole it from the Indians) – unfortunately, I flew out to NZ the day of the trip.  This post is about this years trip which I’ve been looking forward to for 12 months. Before I start, I want to share a story involving the … Continue reading Little Squaw