Some Buller Pics

Yes I did go to Buller this year and yes the snow was shit.  On a positive the company was good,  I got to go on a ski trip that someone else organised so I got to sit back and enjoy the ride and there was a good supply of Bundy on hand. Dave is sending through some footage which should be here early 2007 but here is … Continue reading Some Buller Pics

Concrete Peak Back Bowls

With the season coming to a rather abrupt end Little Jimmy hadn’t had anything too scary to ski,  and it was time to see if we could scare Justin a little bit.  The Back Bowls at Concrete Peak had been shut for a good 2 weeks. Signs are for tourists….. We’re going down there? The answer is yes,  and we’ll have the proof. Here is … Continue reading Concrete Peak Back Bowls