
If only this was a ‘Doris’s of 2009’ post….. However, today’s threesome was downhill skiing, x-country skiing and snowmobiling.  Later in the season I’d like to try the fivesome…. downhill skiing, x-country skiing, snowmobiling, kite skiing and ice hockey in a day. Al and Jarisse have been kind enuf to make me feel like part of their family over the Xmas period yet again.  Here … Continue reading Threesome

$100 Burger

This is Al’s idea – he does the $1,000 burger when he takes his plane for a spin somewhere and grabs a burger. Today I took the sled out for the $100 burger (feels like I’ve been on it more than skis but I skied 4 days last week). The MO is…  park at Vail Pass, drive 20 miles on beautiful groomed snowmobile dedicated run over to a … Continue reading $100 Burger

Spring Sabatical

The southern winter has come to an end and I’m now on a Spring Sabatical. A trip to the West Coast with the boys kicked spring off…..  The whitebaiting crew…. Mush, Rocky and Vinchenzo. I’m diagnosing myself with A.D.D. – how can you concentrate when you see snow and the ocean? Someone suggested…  “I reckon we can drive down the pier.”  I volunteered to take the foto. I … Continue reading Spring Sabatical

Pre Season

This is my 2nd attemp at posting these photos…..  the winter has just started (well it rained today so it isn’t all roses and powder flakes). I’m busy as hell with work and I haven’t played half as much golf as I have wanted and the snow just hasn’t delivered this year.  I can’t complain though as I’m living in a Mosad safe house, the Chateau … Continue reading Pre Season


The winter is just about to begin (now that school holidays is finally over) and the troops start arriving today. Here are some photos I’ve taken since I got to Queenstown nearly 2 months ago now. Malcome and I shot up the Routeburn as we heard the waterfall had frozen….  That is the valley we walked up. And that is our ride back to the … Continue reading Tramping