Darn 30 is old

I’ve been in North America for every Super Bowl since I was 21. My birthday is the week before Super Bowl, just happens that I’ve been in the snow for a few birthdays.

9 years ago I celebrated my 21st in Whistler, with Fi, at a pub called ‘Tommy Africas’ and…. that is all I’m willing to share about the matter. I did learn that Lady Whistler Instuctors like to be called ‘Instructesses’.

I’ve come a long way since then.

Ahhh, don’t laugh – now I’m 30, I’m trying to be more mature.

So for my 30th I thought about Vegas…. I’m not sure I’m invited back after my trip there in early December (yeah I did a bit of a ‘Charlie Sheen’ on my hotel suite, 3 nights in a row). And my trip to Reno 9 months earlier kinda rules that out as a birthday venue – if I ever fall victim to religion, I’m going to spend years asking for forgiveness for what I did in Reno.

Until then I’m blaming it all on global warming…..

Back to my 30th. Since Vegas and Reno were ruled out, I thought about New York or Venice but I don’t know anyone out there so why not Colorado?

I’ve worked pretty darn hard to get here, I’ve got a bunch of bloody good mates. So why not have my 30th here in Colorado?

Hosting a party in Colorado is too easy, it is my home town… so lets complicate it with a 16 mile snowmobile tow to the hotel.

I had originally planned the trip with 28 people!!!! Bummer that everyone didn’t rock up but it was kinda nice when it came to the logistics.

Speaking of logistics and planning….. I arrived in the carpark and “someone” in the party was wearing a t-shirt and didn’t bring a jacket of any kind…… guess who that was?

He has a slight Aussie accent, his name starts with T, he has dark hair, dark eyes, turned 30 that day and his name ends in “om”…. I suppose even 30 years can’t fix ‘stupid’.

After Cole loaned me his spare jacket, we began our journey to Red Cliff……

The Beautiful Little Al and the Gorgeous Gabriella enjoying ‘fossil fuels’

I’m just going to throw out a few random pics down here. There will be more I’m sure.