Sunday afternoon stroll

2 Runs
2hrs 20min of hiking
1,800m decent…..
Max elevation 3,750m
Fresh pow and not standing in lift lines on a busy Sunday……

You know how the saying goes.

So today was a Sunday and since there were more than 5 people in line by 10:30am Andy and I decided to take a Sunday afternoon stroll into Independence and Bergman Bowls.

Here is the route for the day.  Red is the hiking (2hrs 20min) and the green is the skiing (about 90 seconds in total). 

On the hike up.

First run was down Independence Bowl – new this year in Keystone and completely inaccessable despite all the press about it.  This pic here is the top gate – the writing on the right sign says how much ski patrol will charge to rescue you.

Now for the run down – how many other tracks can you see?

And a couple of pics from below.

Another hour and a bit of walking and we were at the top of Bergman Bowl with more fresh pow on offer.  This last hike took a bit more out of us.

Nothing a couple of sips out of the hippy didn’t fix and time to lay some 8’s in Bergman Bowl.

I don’t mind saying myself… that foto is realy kewl!!!!