Checking In

The building address is:

Hidden RIver Lodge
22714 Hwy 6
Keystone, CO, 80435

The condo number is 5964 (it is weird I know).

At the building entrance there is a set of double doors.

In between them, on the right is some PO Boxes.

To the left of the PO Boxes, there is a cupboard with a bunch of lock boxes.

My lock is on the bottom shelf.  It has 5964 (my condo number) written on the front.

The code is 5964.  It is a little tough to read so you might need to use your phone light to see it.

Inside there is a key card which will give you access to the entire building (so you can park in the garage on the other side of the building).  I’ve left addition keys in the condo for you.

I recommend returning the key to the lock box in the event you get locked out (I do it all the time).